Terms & Conditions


This quotation is valid for 7 days from the date of receipt, unless otherwise separately quoted.

Currency Fluctuation

Prices are based on the British Pound rate as per the date of the transaction. If the British Pound exchange rate fluctuates, the price may be revised accordingly.

Service Availability

All services and features listed are subject to availability and may change without prior notice.

Data Security

While Ziliva takes data security seriously and has measures in place to protect customer data, customers are also responsible for their data's security, including creating backups and protecting login credentials.

Usage Policies

Customers are required to comply with our Usage Policies. Violation of these policies may result in suspension or termination of the service.

Limitation of Liability

Ziliva will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising from or relating to this agreement or the services provided.

Payment Terms

Payment Schedule

Payment is due within 30 days of receipt of the invoice, which will be sent upon agreement to this quotation.

Payment Method

We accept payment via card and Bank Transfer.

Late Payment

Payments not received by the due date will accrue interest at a rate of 10% per month, or the maximum allowed by law, whichever is less.

Service Interruption

Failure to pay the invoice by the due date may result in interruption of service until full payment is received.

Refund Policy

Fees are non-refundable, except as required by law or as otherwise specified in our refund policy.

Changes to Pricing

Ziliva reserves the right to modify the pricing with 30 days’ notice to the customer.

Usage Policies

Acceptable Use

Customers are expected to use our services in a responsible and respectful manner. This includes respecting the rights and privacy of others, and maintaining the integrity and security of our systems.

Prohibited Use

Prohibited use of our services includes, but is not limited to: attempting to gain unauthorized access to our systems or any other systems, uploading, downloading, transmitting, or otherwise distributing illegal content, transmitting unsolicited promotional materials, using our services to host a website primarily as a file or image hosting service, using our services for malicious activities such as propagating viruses, malware, or other malicious code, any activity that disrupts the services of Ziliva or any other entity, engaging in fraudulent activity or activity that facilitates fraud, distributing defamatory, obscene, abusive, or threatening language, use of the service to conduct or promote any illegal activities, use of the service to infringe upon the privacy or the rights of others.

Compliance with Laws

Customers must use our services in compliance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules, and regulations, including butnot limited to data privacy laws, intellectual property laws, and export control laws. It is the responsibility of the customer to be aware of and comply with all applicable laws in their jurisdiction.

Data Storage and Security

Ziliva offers services that include data storage and transfer. Customers are responsible for the security and integrity of their own data. This includes implementing appropriate security measures for data stored on our servers and data transferred through our network. Customers are responsible for maintaining backups of their data. Ziliva is not responsible for the loss of customer data.

Consequences of Violation

Violation of these Usage Policies may result in actions ranging from a warning to a temporary or permanent suspension of service, at the sole discretion of Ziliva. Ziliva may also report violators to relevant legal authorities, and violators may be subject to legal consequences. Ziliva reserves the right to remove or alter customer data that violates our Usage Policies without prior notice to the customer.